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Fostering Conflict Resolution Among School Staff

On many school campuses, conflicts among staff members can arise from differences in perspectives, communication breakdowns, or simply the stress of the job. However, administrators need to recognize that unresolved conflicts can adversely impact the school climate,...

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Reducing Testing Stress

It is standardized testing season, which often means heightened stress for everyone in the classroom, so we wanted to share some activities you can use to help ease the stress of testing.  You can use mindfulness, movement, and brain breaks to help alleviate student...

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Synergy Day

Even now, three years after the start of the COVID shutdowns, it is evident that the pandemic has had a significant impact on students' social-emotional well-being. Many students have experienced increased stress, anxiety, and feelings of isolation. Additionally,...

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New Year, New Goal Setting Strategy

It is the third week of January, which means for many of us, the energy with which we tackled our New Year’s resolutions may be waning. By now, you might find yourself white-knuckling through your commitment to your newly set goals, or perhaps you’ve already given up...

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