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Hygge for Happiness

If you google “hygge,” you will be bombarded with images of fireplaces, cups of tea, and adorable little cottages in the snow. On Instagram alone, there are over 8 million posts that include the hashtag ‘hygge’-- most of which would lead you to believe that in order...

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Connecting with Character

Many students are struggling to connect with one another, and as a result, more and more school districts are reporting an increase in behavioral challenges. Now, more than ever, students need a place where they feel they belong and guidance to deepen their...

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Creating Connections: Soliciting Staff Feedback

A key component to a healthy school climate and culture is making sure the adults on campus feel seen and heard on a regular basis. One of the best ways to do this is by gathering formal and informal feedback from your staff. Soliciting feedback from your staff helps...

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Addressing Negative Student Behavior

For many schools around the country, an unintended outcome of the COVID-19 school closures has been increased student behavior and interpersonal issues. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), 87% of public schools reported that the COVID-19...

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Know Their Sparks

It’s late August, and for most educators in America, the school year has started or is just about to start. We want to take this moment to highlight one of our favorite back-to-school belonging practices: Know Their Sparks!  When Thriving YOUniversity’s Chief...

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Creating Purposeful Pauses

A car cuts you off in traffic. You’re midway through using a new-to-you lesson when a student rolls their eyes and whispers something to a classmate beside them. A usually engaged and upbeat colleague sits silent and stone-faced in a staff meeting as you present a new...

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