Meet Janeen Antonelli
Hey there…thanks for looking us up.
A little bit about me…
I am a mother of two beautiful teenage girls, a wife to a supporting husband, an overly loving companion to two dogs, a sister to a couple of brothers (I was going to say something else), an aunt to a niece and nephew I don’t see enough, a sister-n-law to my brother-n-law and a daughter to parents who are still thriving through life. If any of these honored positions resonate with you, then you have a pretty sure idea of what my daily life is like.
I mentioned above, the supporting husband and here is why he deserves a trophy. I have been in education for 28 years – teacher, Site Leader, Assistant Principal, Principal, Program Administrator – and I finally hit that point in my career where I was no longer being true to my beliefs…I was not paying attention to the words of my own advice to so many disgruntled individuals. “You have got to get out there and find your purpose” seemed to be a mantra of mine. Promoting self-care, mindfulness, finding your “why” , “you first” , “be your best self”…all the things I said over and over to everyone but me. So when the opportunity came up to join my “J” sisters on this magical journey called Thriving YOUniversity, I hesitated, balked, stood frozen in my tracks. How could I leave a consistent paycheck, benefits, retirement, sitting in traffic…we still had kids to get through college! It was that aforementioned husband of mine, witnessing my slow march to misery, who pulled up his boot-straps and made me take a long look in the mirror. Neither one of us liked what we saw and the decision was made to embark on a new journey. I have absolutely no regrets. Thriving YOUniversity is collaboration, engagement, purpose, belonging, teamwork, agreements and disagreements. It’s everything I could ever dream of and I am excited to know you share an interest in our interests.
I am resilient because someone cared – it starts with the adult. I am a changemaker because I believe in the power of transformation. I build relationships because without a relationship, we cannot restore or repair. I believe people wake up everyday with the intent of giving life their best. I am a motivator and a coach because we all need someone shadowing us with their encouragement and loud cheers. I am transparent and believe in being real – so Imake mistakes. I believe in apologies, the reset button and that there is no maximum to “do-overs”. I am a Thrivarian!
I am joyful that you stopped by the “About Us” page and got a feel for the Thriving YOUniversity “J” Team passion. I feel you got a sneak peek into our souls and I hope the opportunity presents itself to where we can get a peek into yours.
Hopefully we will see you at the show!
“If you don’t interfere with yourself, you are quite interesting”
Robin Williams