Meet Jessie Fuller
For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by human potential. I think this is why despite saying I was going to be anything “but a teacher” when I entered college, I found myself 5 years later graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree in Education.
After unsuccessfully trying on three different majors for size, a friend at the time suggested I try out teaching. “You like kids and you like writing, so why not just teach kids to write?” he said. I couldn’t really argue, nor could I postpone committing to a major any longer. I figured a classroom would be the perfect place to really cultivate the tools and create environments that set people up to live into their fullest potential.
And sure enough it has been. Sixteen years later, I am still just as inspired and challenged by what the role of a teacher demands. I spent the first eight years of my career at a large suburban high school and have now spent the last eight working with at-promise youth at an alternative high school. The one truth I am convinced of more than ever is that every student wants to achieve incredible things in his or her life. Some students just come a little more equipped than others in turning their goals into reality.
Time and time again, my students have impressed me with what they are capable of when provided with caring relationships, high expectations, and opportunities to contribute in meaningful ways.
Now, having had the opportunity to work with hundreds of educators as a coach and professional development facilitator, I find that our needs as adult learners are quite similar to our students. We all want to belong, to feel like we have something of value to contribute and to grow and develop in areas that mean something to us. I am committed to empowering individuals of all ages and the teams and organizations they belong to thrive.