MTSS and School Culture
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”
– Rumi
Get Curious, Not Furious: Tier 1 Strategies for Addressing Challenging Behaviors.
According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, 87% of public schools reported that the COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacted students’ social-emotional development. This lack of social development has increased impulsive behaviors in the classroom. Teachers are desperately seeking continuous support in addressing challenging behaviors. This interactive session will provide teachers with a better understanding of student behavior and simple yet powerful evidence-based strategies that can be replicated in the classroom immediately.
Lead Like Lasso: Science-based Leadership Strategies Inspired by America's Favorite Coach
More Good Days: Brain-based Practices for Trauma Informed Schools
Teach Like Lasso: Strategies for Positive Classroom Communities Inspired by America's Favorite Coach
Building Belonging & Cultivating Connections That Empower Staff & Students To Thrive
Taking Time to B.R.E.A.T.H.E.: Research-Based Strategies for Personal and Professional Resilience for Staff
Mind Matters: Science & Strategies for Strengthening Mindset and Mindfulness in Education
Cultivating a growth mindset in the classroom can help students positively navigate complex tasks and experiences and provide them with tools to handle future struggles and stressors. Additionally, research has shown that implementing mindfulness practice in the classroom created a 24% increase in positive social behaviors, a 24% decrease in aggression, a reduction in depression-like symptoms, and an overall improvement in classroom behaviors and test scores. In this interactive and engaging session, participants will learn the research-based reasoning for mindfulness and growth mindset in the classroom and gain tools and strategies for weaving mindfulness and growth mindset into daily life and academics.
Emotions, Engagement, Empowerment: Brain-Based Instruction That Makes Learning Stick
Raising Resilience: Cultivating Strengths, Optimism, and Hope in the Classroom
Integrating SEAL to Boost the ABCs: Strengthening Achievement, Behavior, and Culture with Social, Emotional, and Academic Learning
Targeted Interventions at the Tier 2 level: Effective Strategies for Addressing Challenging Behavior.
The Antidote to Mean: Connecting Kindness, Empathy, and Gratitude to Student Learning
Exploring and Understanding B.I.A.S.- Beliefs, Identity, Assumptions, and Stereotypes
The Apathy Antidote: Cultivating Positive Student Motivation in the Classroom
A Great Leader L.E.A.D.S. with Courage, Connection & Compassion
Taking Time to B.R.E.A.T.H.E.: Strategies for Strengthening Student Well-being and Resilience
Building Bridges: Resolving Staff Conflict and Restoring Workplace Relationships
Conflicts among staff members are inevitable in today’s dynamic workplace environments. How these conflicts are managed can significantly impact team morale, productivity, and overall organizational culture. Our session, “Building Bridges,” offers a comprehensive approach to addressing conflicts among individuals and groups, repairing the harm, and fostering the restoration of relationships within the workplace.
Reflect, Repair, Restore: The Science of Forgiveness and Restorative Conversations
Difficult Discussions: Creating Safe Spaces for Challenging Conversations
This session aims to provide educators with the tools they need to navigate tough conversations in the classroom– from establishing a classroom climate of respect and belonging to sentence frames for respectful dialog. We will examine ways to structure classrooms for optimal connection and student empowerment, discuss the importance of knowing our implicit biases, and share activities and approaches designed to help develop students’ listening and speaking skills.
Igniting Sparks: Prioritizing Meaning and Purpose in the Classroom
Sessions for Students
SYNERGY DAY for Students: An Experiential Learning Experience to Boost School Climate
Sessions Parents/Caregivers
More Good Days: Brain-Based Strategies for Parenting in Challenging Times
The ABCs of S.E.A.L. (Social Emotional and Academic Learning) for Parents Strengthening Academics, Behavior, and Culture Through Social, Emotional, and Academic Learning
Educational Programs
Bite-Sized SEL Toolkit (Elementary, Middle, & High School)
Harvard and CASEL research has determined that the most effective way to teach SEL is in “kernels,” or small bite-sized pieces that are manageable and easy to facilitate. Research also shows that creating a sense of belonging and connection in the classroom can decrease behavioral challenges and increase academic outcomes.
The Bite-Sized SEL Toolkit addresses these goals and allows teachers to promote SEL in a way that is easy to facilitate and flexible. It comes in the form of a Google slide deck and contains 180 slides. Each slide has five activities: a weekly check-in, a This or That activity, a drawing or writing activity, an SEL lesson, and an optimistic closure or circle question. A specific character trait intertwines into each of the monthly lessons. The values covered are compassion, dignity, empathy, forgiveness, gratitude, humility, Integrity, justice, kindness, and love.
The Bite-Sized SEL Toolkit is available at elementary, middle, and high school levels and sells as a license per teacher. The license does not expire. School site licenses are available for sites with more than 14 users. Go to the SHOP and check out the demo.
Social Skills Toolkit (k-8)
This research-based, teacher-designed Social Skills Toolkit is a Google slide deck containing tools to empower positive behavior. The toolkit is the perfect instrument to meet the needs of your MTSS Tier 1 universal program and is an excellent way to address Tier 2 students who need more support.
Based on 8 teacher-recommended skills, this toolkit’s key advantage is the minimal number of skills and steps the teacher and student need to remember. Reteaching is easily facilitated. Visit the SHOP page to learn more.