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Connecting with Character

by | Nov 17, 2022 | News | 0 comments

Many students are struggling to connect with one another, and as a result, more and more school districts are reporting an increase in behavioral challenges. Now, more than ever, students need a place where they feel they belong and guidance to deepen their social-emotional learning.

Demo-of-Connecting-with-Character-Elementary-k-5-300x169 Connecting with CharacterWith all they are already tasked to do, many educators do not have the time or resources to create SEL lessons designed to meet these needs. This is why we have developed Connecting with Character, a K-5 Program Connecting with Character takes the busy work out of developing SEL lessons by providing plug-and-play slide decks to help students (and teachers) strengthen key character traits.

Research shows that humans are, by and large, good-natured and driven by an impulse to help others and cooperate; however, this urge often fades as we grow up and become adults. Elementary school provides the perfect opportunity to encourage kindness and develop students’ sense of connection by creating a culture where these skills are practiced and prioritized.

Teaching students how to connect with others by using key character skills helps them to hone and maintain their natural kindness impulses. Creating an environment where students feel connected to each other empowers their self-confidence, gives them a strong voice, and prepares them for learning and the future– and positively impacts the culture of your classroom and school.

IMG_0187-225x300 Connecting with CharacterWhile Connecting with Character is designed as a way to help elementary school students develop a deeper understanding of their own feelings and character traits, it also serves to help the adults on campus strengthen their SEL. As the SEL on campus strengthens, so too does the school culture overall. A positive school climate is linked to better academic performance and greater teacher job satisfaction.

What is Connecting with Character?

Demo-of-Connecting-with-Character-Elementary-k-5-1-300x169 Connecting with Character

Created specifically for the elementary classroom, Connecting with Character provides 10-months-worth of posters, videos, mindful tools, belonging tools, and Tier 1-Tier 2 activities that focus on 10 key character skills (belonging, compassion, dignity, empathy, forgiveness, gratitude, humility, integrity, justice, and kindness). Teachers also receive a fully-loaded, hyperlinked resource guide with 25 brain break activities, 40 circle questions, 80 slide decks, and 30+ classroom activities.

Each month, as a class, students will create their own definition of what the character skill of the month means to them and what it will look like to demonstrate that skill. For the next 4 weeks they will participate in activities that focus on developing that character skill.

Don’t miss out on your opportunity to provide this key social-emotional learning to your students!

Check out the Connecting with Character Demo

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